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tv   The Young Turks With Cenk Uygur  Current  February 12, 2013 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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neighbors who want health insurance. there has been a huge backlash in the lgbt community even though in the last few years dc comics has billed the green lantern and bat woman as gay. and if comics are going to make superman homophobe he seems pretty gay. he has a secret identity that no one knows about. he gets all dolled up at night being all fabulous. then he has a girlfriend but he waits for a girlfriend to get kidnapped. and he changes in a phone booth. and the name, superman. for those of how are still worried about this just know that a lot of writers have kept their personal beliefs separate from what they write. for example congressman mark foley pushed a strict anti-pedophilia agenda but this seemed to no way impinge on
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writing about it. to infinity and a subaru dealership. >> michael: i wondered what happened to my utility belt. that damn brett erlich. someone is always here online. you can link up to our twitter and facebook page and find exclusive extras. stay here for extra coverage for the state of the union speech. i'll be joined by my friends cenk uygur and john john fugelsang. on that note the young turks are next. cenk: welcome to "the young turks." ed hold up near big bear, the manhunt continues he's still
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locked down after a gigantic shootout earlier today. >> this was an incredible gun battle. cenk: that's exclusively from kcbs. we'll have more on that in a minute. >> the president's state of the union, how is the preparation going? >> mr. president how's the speech? >> we'll find out tonight! cenk: you know what else you'll find out tonight? the real progressive state of the union, right here on "the young turks," delivered by yours truly. it's go time.
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cenk: this christopher dorner story will not end. the cops still don't have him. two officers were wounded in a fight and unfortunately one is reported to have passed away. he's apparently in a cabin right now, as far as we can tell, but they still don't have christopher dorner after a gigantic manhunt here in l.a. kcbs had exclusive video and audio of the gunfight that happened between the cops and dorner earlier today. >> this was an incredible gun battle.
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>> that unfolded live on television. we could hear it. our reporter on the scene was right in the middle of it. cenk: now deputies in riverside are checking vehicles. this is of course outside of big bear. they just want to make sure, obviously and this man has evaded police for a while now and obviously caused more damage today. even though they think he's in the cabin, they are checking vehicles anyway. lapd commander smith explained what went down today. >> today at 12:22 p.m., san bernadino sheriffs were in the hunt for christopher dorner up in the big bear area. they received a call of a stolen vehicle in the 1200 block of club view drive. when they responded they received information from the person reporting that the stole that vehicle was stolen by an
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individual that appeared to be very similar to christopher dorner. the suspect in the vehicle fled into the forest. shortly thereafter, this individual barricaded himself in one of the cabins there and an exchange of gunfire occurred. cenk: all right well, i'll tell you what, if he somehow miraculously gets away from police, which i don't suspect that he will, after apparently being in that cabin right for wrong, he is going to take on a bit of legendary status here. watching the proceedings throughout the day i began to think what if other people join him. i don't think that there's any worry about that right now and especially because he's not really on a political cause he's on a personal cause, and he kills family members and there's not a lot of see sympathy there. we found another land officer wrote his own manifesto not killing people. he condemns that, but says his
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experiences were similar to dorner's. we bring in a retired investigator a retired riverside officer and worked with the d.a.'s office, and of course i've also got eugene o'donnell with me, from the college of political justice. great to have you both here with us. lewis, let me start with you. now, i see joe jones manifest toe, he writes a lot of the similar things that dorner did. let me give you one quote. i was falsely arrested at gunpoint by the sheriffs as an officer who i.d.'s himself and conspired against by both the land and sheriffs when my civil case went to trial. reading that, is this something that happens all the time at the lapd or used to? >> i think it's law enforcement in general. it does happen. the significant difference with that manifesto is he chose to
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deem with it in a much better, humane way. cenk: of course. now, i understand in your experience, did this happen when you were an officer? >> yes i saw it happen many times, absolutely. cenk: that's interesting. all right. now, let's talk about the current situation. eugene what are the police doing right now as far as trying to get dorner when he's holed up in that cabin? >> well, it is important to say the police and civilian law enforcement, in our countries it would be pursuit to the death. presuming he's still alive and holed up in the cabin. i hope he'll do everything he can, since he's detained to take him alive and give him the due process he denied other people. the legal system should be paramount here. regrettably, police officers in adhering to their oath put themselves at great risk and other officers today in trying to i think show the best that
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american law enforcement, you take somebody before the bar of justice and give them their day in court if that's possible. i hope that's upper most in their mind. if he's in the cabin there's no immediate rush in doing everything. time is on the side of the law enforcement folks. i hope he is taken alive and again, he is given a trial he is presumed innocent and ultimately is punished. of course, he denied that to the poor people he killed. cenk: lewis what's your realistic sense of whether they're going to take him alive or not. hundreds of rounds were fired earlier today. obviously they didn't get him though. >> if he sticks to his manifesto, that's not going to happen. they are setting up for the long haul. law enforcement tactical teams are hustling, because nightfall is coming. they want to set a perimeter so people don't wander in to that
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area. they have nothing but time once that is set assuming there are no hostages, and we're still not clear on that. cenk: do either of you know if we have infrared equipment. obviously they're bringing in heavy equipment. infrared equipment that we are positive he wouldn't be able to sneak out at night. >> i would say they have that technology absolutely. >> the feds will have that. cenk: at this point, the feds will be working with them given the situation or no? >> i'd be surprised if they weren't giving technical assistance. cenk: do we know, do either of you know if there are drones in the air. i read about that earlier in the week. >> i don't believe that they have drones. no specific information for that. you have to remember san better than dean though, riverside county sheriffs department, lapd of course have two, three of the top tactical teams in the nation. they're excellent. they have all the top equipment. cenk: who's in charge right now? >> san bernadino's taking the
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lead. cenk: and how does lapd feel about that? it's just not their jurisdiction. >> that's how it goes. they knew it was going to be like that before this started. that's par for the course. that's how the regulations read. >> and there doesn't tend to be turf wars when police officers are killed. the nation's 17,000 police departments tend to come together at one in my experience and everybody in the country in law enforcement looks for the assailant. it's not a time forgiving up turf. cenk: that makes sense. eugene, what's your sense of whether they're going to get him. is it a near certainty at this point? >> well, i hope they do, and genuine hope the eyes of the nation and world are on our system and our police, and our you know, criminal justice system. again, in other countries, they would hunt him down and kill him. i hope that doesn't happen here. i hope if this were to play out longer, there would be a drum
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beat of people saying let's take action. if he is here, they should wait him out. that is their standard protocol and they should bring him in front of the bar of justice which is our system. cenk: let me stay with you for one more second on this. the lapd said they are going to reopen his case and how he was thrown out of the force. do you believe that, or is that a tactic just to smoke him out? >> well, again anybody's who's been in law enforcement knows it can be a really tough bullying environment for rank and file cops. cops will tell you it's a tough environment. those rigged rules, might sometimes makes right. anybody who's been in law enforcement knows there's a lot of sucking up that the officers have to do. they have to see things they don't agree with and have to deal with that. we'll see if they have some sort of inquiry. it would be good if this were to open up when this current crisis is over, an examination of
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police departments generally the way they treat their people. the number one complaint of cops in places that i'm aware of is the way they're managed and the way they're treated internally. the public thinks it's about what they do to the cops, but actually, the cops will tell you, they feel mistreated a lot in a lot of police departments. cenk: last question for you. is this still a significant issue within the lapd where they target african-americans or minorities within the force? >> i don't think it's a minority or oh demographic issue at all with the lapd. i think it's every single law enforcement agency has these issues, quite a bit here in south everyone california. cenk: thank you so much, both of you for joining us today. it's an incredible story. we'll see how it plays out going forward later today. >> speaking of later today we've got the president's state of the union speech tonight. well there's a lot of people with their own perspective, and response to it, so why not do the progressive one.
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cenk: i'll do that when we return. beal also talk about rand paul and his tea party response when we come back. >> well, is that what you intend to do, chastise the republican establishment?
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cenk: the president's going to give his state of the union speech tonight. we'll be covering it live on current. he's been preparing. he got a question as to how the speech is going to go. >> mr. president how's the speech. obama: we'll find out tonight! we'll find out everything i've got to say tonight. cenk: all right. of course, north korea's in the news because they launched another nuke, at least tested one. we have no plans to invade them, because they have no royal. did i say that out loud? totally different situation. what is the president going to talk about in his speech? he he'll touch on korea. he's been talking about gun reform for a while and doing some degree of gun control what he would say is sensible gun
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control. he's going to talk about immigration. we've got to do immigration reform as well. he's got business interests labor interests and everybody lined up there. the republicans desperately need to get beyond that issue. he's going to talk about withdrawing from afghanistan as we have done from iraq. he's going to talk about the jobs and economy. now, what's not going to help is more of this spending cuts that the republicans are pushing and honestly the president will probably have some sort of deal on. that's basically austerity. austerity doesn't help in great britain. we're about to go into a triple dip recession because they kept doing more and more austerity. i would do more stimulus. i'll get into that in a little bit. marco rubio in preparing for his rebuttal. he will be giving the response for the republicans. apparently web says he's written the speech himself and he's been practicing all week. he's a bit of a decent actor.
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i us spect that willing pretty decently. if he gets one let's get two let's get a tea party response here which will be incredibly similar to the republican response. rand paul has it and he's got more. >> there is a movement within the republican party it's been very vocal i think particularly in the 2010 elections there was a big movement that helped us win elections. there's a lot of energy that still comes from the tea party. while they consider themselves mostly to be republican, they will chastise the republican establishment. i see it as an extra response, not necessarily divisive. i won't say anything that is like marco rubio is wrong. he and i don't always agree but this isn't about he and i. this is about the tea party which is a grassroots movement, a real movement with millions of americans. cenk: well why do they get an extra response? how about our response. if i were obama here's the progressive state of the union speech i would give.
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i'd say first of all we're not doing austerity. instead, we're going to do stimulus. now the republicans would say you can't do stimulus. i'd say oh, yeah? stop me. i think the number one issue is jobs. i think the american people totally agrees with me. you want to stop me from creating jobs by doing stimulus? have at it. i'll see you in 2014. you don't want to do immigration reform on my terms? i'll see you in 2014. they just lost 21% of latino voters to president obama. they'll lose 81% if the republicans appear to be blocking it. there's no need to do concessions on either of those fronts. the quester's in our favor. it cuts for 50% from defense spending. the defense spending is bloated and as a progressive. i have no problem cutting from that bloated defense budget. >> when it comes from actual
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defense, wait a minute. i agree about getting out of afghanistan earlier. we need to stop the ridiculous drone strikes on u.s. citizens without a trial. president obama, as soon as the law allowed. i would close gitmo, send everyone in there to a maximum security prison in colorado where we have nickels who was part of oklahoma city bombing where we have the union in uni bomber and the original world trade center bombing terrorist. i think we are strong enough, and we will do it, and i challenge you to defy me. speaking of defying him, one final thing. we have a consumer financial protection bureau. the republicans say we're going to block him. we won't let you get him confirmed. if i was president obama i'd say hey listen. that's easy enough. underneath richard cordray i'm
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going to nominate neil bar ox vs confident y. he was inspector general for tarp, and he's got no love lost for these banks that are doing out of control risk with our money. you want to get rid of court ray, that problem. you want to get rid of barovsky? i'll put in dennis kucinich. that's how you do a strong state of the union. president obama will enter tonight, shake a lot of hands my guess is his speech will not be quite as forceful as the one i gave, but lets do analysis on that. let me bring in two great current folks here. michael shure is the host of the war room and david shuster is in washington d.c., covering the speech tonight. welcome to both of you. >> good to be here. cenk: david, is there anything
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that i just said there that needs further expansion as to what is going to be the emphasis or anything knew in this speech tonight that we're going to hear? >> no, i think the key is you're going to hear a lot more about the economy than the white house was thinking. the white house felt they lost the message during the inauguration speech. look for more are about the economy. i think the president's going to be a little more muscular, a little more in your face to the republicans than a lot of people were thinking. a couple of things driving this, there's a sense now at the white house and apparently even among the president himself that the bipartisan gestures from previous speeches really haven't gotten the president anywhere. the prevailing argument is let's use these speeches for political purposes and holding the republicans accountable for the sequester cuts that are coming. they're looking at the speech as using the bully pulpit, blaming the republicans for anything that goes wrong with the sequester in terms of sending the economy into the ditch and
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by wait, the president has already started taking some things off the table, for example previously said we can raise the medicate retirement age from 65 to 67. that's now off the table. look for more to come off the table, as well. cenk: you know that is all true. it's the same things that i've seen and at least there's some good news in there michael about the president with a tougher position. look, on social security, he's going to do some cuts there but at least they appear to be protecting the medicare eligibility age. did the republicans really. >> up by not taking the earlier deals that president obama had offered in his first term. >> they could look at it that way. they screwed up by nominating pit rom and having nobody else run against barack obama. i think that's what you're going to see come to fruition tonight. i don't think you're going to see the conciliatory president. i think you'll see the candidate president. he'll have great energy, great in your face moves especially on
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things like climate change where he's going to talk about executive action on climate change. i think this is going to be going back to the economy talking about jobs, jobs, jobs. that i think is going to be part of this, or centerpiece of what his next year of his administration's going to be like. i also to, you know, to put an expoliceman makes point on that think that the president is going to look at the republican party. remember it's just a year ago that democrats and republicans were coming in in pairs like noah's arc sitting next to each other to create this comity inside the house chamber. it actually ended up being comedy, because none of that happened. cenk: on the other hand, progressives often feel burned if they're paying attention by president obama's promises. he's going to promise action on climate change tonight but might turn around and approve key stone pipelines soon.
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any word on that and what's your sense of having covered these state of the union speeches, how much president obama delivers on his progressive promises? >> on key stone pipeline, i don't think you'll hear anything. water hering john kerry is fighting a pretty tough argument inside the administration to say let's kill key stone pipeline, block it for all sorts of reasons. it looks like kerry is starting to win that argument. i have a feeling key stone pipeline is not going anywhere. >> climate change, the administration has signaled to reporters law makers around town, they are going to start doing things by executive order. if congress can't pass energy bills, energy reform. the president through executive order, some of the very things he has been asking congress to do all along will be done. cenk: we will talk more about this tonight when we cover the state of the union speech right here live on current starting at
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9:00. >> i look forward to it. cenk: right now before the christopher dorner situation the fire you're seeing on camera is the cabin that he was in, so swat teams apparently moving in, because the cabin is on fire. it is not cheer who set that fire. >> when we come back, we'll talk about north dakota. >> i will take every that he needs to be taken to keep abortion safe and legal and available in north dakota. (vo) connect with the young turks with cenk uygur. >> it's go time.
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>> welcome back to "the young turks." we're getting more pictures from
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the christopher dorner situation out of the cabin that he was apparently staying in. it is now on fire, swat teams moving in, but no word yet on whether they got him so the story continues. amazing. what's also amazing is how disaster north dakota has come for women ranked number one for worst state for women to live in in america, united states of america. why? well wday in north dakota about how they are taking away more and more reproductive rights. >> it comes down to this today. without directly challenging row v. wade, state legislators are debating and pass be a half dozen laws. >> the state was rated the absolute worst state for women. >> brick by brick dismantling the only state's abortion clinic in fargo north dakota. all are expected to go challenged in the courts.
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>> i will take every step that needs to be taken to keep abortion safer and legal and available in north dakota. cenk: we're going to talk to her in just a minute. legislators have tried for advanced hospital admitting privileges requirement legislation this makes it much harder to run a clinic, because the doctors and the requirements, just technical but it makes a big difference. they advanced a personhood amendment, which makes zygotes a person. they are considering a fetal heartbeat bill. they blocked sex ed resources for at-risk youth. you know what prevents abortions? more pregnant teens. doesn't make any sense but they're fundamentalists, so it doesn't have to make sense.
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seven in 10 americans believe row v. wade should stand. 70% of the country pro choice. now, is that stopping pro life movement throughout the country? of course not. let me show you a map here. these are the states where radical personhood bills have failed to advance very far but none the less, they have been proposed. they all failed in 2012 when they were proposed in those states. colorado has rejected legislation every year that it's been introduced, but they keep on introducing it. states where bills will be introduced in 2013 just popped up on your screen, and in north dakota, a bill passed the senate this month for personhood. all these different attempts to get zygotes declared persons. by the way doctors and women can oftentimes be punished felony sometimes murder charges if you're even unaware that your pregnant but hey, there's a
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zygote inside you, you could be responsible. it's happening in these states at least a tremendous effort and sometimes successful education on lower bills. led me bring in experts here. julie is the leader of the center for reproductive rights and tammy, let me start with you. what are the chances are success here in north dakota for these pieces of legislation if they are trying to take away reproductive rights from women in norths dakota? >> i think these bills are destined to pass. we have a very conserve active legislature successful in getting six out of seven bills to move forward. cenk: that's interesting. julie, so, we have a situation where seventies% of the country clearly thinks roe v. wade
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should be legal but we have red states where they have a significant amount of success in pushing more legislation that takes away those reproductive rights. one, is that a strategy that's eventually bound to lose because of the demographics, or are they simply going to succeed in large portions of the country? >> you're right this is a strategy that's unfolding in a number of states despite the fact that in the last election, which just happened, the voters were very clear they want the country to retain productions for reproductive rights. in fact, a lot of these proposals now being considered in north dakota may well pass has been rejected by voters even in very red states. mississippi a few years ago put a personhood proposallen oh the ballot. the legislature passed it. the voters of mississippi rejected it, but they're trying again and again and similarly in oklahoma, there was a personhood measure that was
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passed. we challenged it. the oklahoma supreme court said it was clearly unconstitutional and therefore shouldn't be allowed on the ballot, because it would be such a waste of the state's money and the voters' time and yet this year, oklahoma has another personhood measure that's been introduced. so these -- the poll advertises in these states are not listening to people in the country or even in their own states who have much more important priorities for them to be working on. cenk: i don't believe the people in north dakota will vote in favor of personhood amendments. once you start talking about stopping invitro fertilization and birth control people freak out. let me read you a statement:
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cenk: do you believe her at all or do you believe it's her intention to try to close that clinic down? >> i fully believe that's margaret city, from bismarck. her intention is to stop safe, legalle a borings in north dakota by closing arecoline thick. they were quoting statistics that they got from elsewhere. they weren't even talking to us. she clearly has been the sponsor on many of these bills and said no matter what information she hears, she wants to end abortion. in fact on the senate chamber floor said these are direct threats to roe v. wade and north dakota should be the state to take that on. cenk: it seems they want the supreme court to take on roe v. wade again and encouraged, scalia seems to want a case to do that with. even if they don't win on a
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national scale with roe v. wade, i'll going to show you a clip with a great job of explaining if this clinic is shut down, how hard it will be in effect for women to get abortions in that four state area. >> this is far go. this is where the only abortion clinic in north dakota is. the next closest clinic is to the east, four hours away in minneapolis minnesota the next closest to the south, four hours away in sioux falls. to the west, you're probably looking at billings, montana eight hours away. there's already a very serious access problem in this part of the country. if you take away the one clinic in this region that is served by so few clinics you're cutting off access for women in a four state region. cenk: julie, is that the in tent here, even if they can't take down roe v. wade to deny abortions to as many women as possible throughout the country.
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>> that is definitely what these laws designed to do. the politicians can't ban it outright. it is protected by the u.s. constitution. they are creating back door attempts to ban it effectively and that's what this admitting privileges law is absolutely designed to do. it's designed to create a requirement that's impossible for the clinic, potentially impossible for the clinic to meet and impossible to meet in as i say mississippi with a similar law. the politicians know hospitals may think twice about whether they want to grant privileges to physicians who provide abortion services. it will be very difficult for the clinic to comply. when reproductive rights are treated as a political football, women don't have the same rights all around the country so the
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access to reproductive rights right now depends entirely on your monetary means and where you live. if you're low income, live in a rural area you don't have the same rights as women in other areas with greater means and that's not what a constitutional right is supposed to be. cenk: that's a great point. these clinics help middle class and poor folks. when you take them away, you hurt those groups a lot more than you would other groups that can have their own obgyn's handle the situation. again, republicans not just going after women's rights, but targeting the middle class and the poor. thank you both oh so much for joining us. we really appreciate it. >> thanks for having us. cenk: when we come back, speaking of fighting back, award winning journalist suing president obama, saying you should not be able to indefinitely detain u.s. citizens through the military.
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hedges versus obama. that, when we return. >> unfortunately, because of obama's rhetoric, people spend a little too much time listening to his rhetoric and not watching what he does, which is all that counts. irene, drop the itch. we dropped the itch, you can too. maximum strength scalpicin® is not a shampoo so you can stop intense itch fast,
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cenk: we're back on "the young turks." the national defense authorization act is quiets troublesome, saying that the military can indefinitely detain without trial anyone who was part of or substantially supported al-qaeda, taliban or
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associated forces. one of the problems here, of course is that we have to take the government's word for it. you will be held without a trial until the end of hostility. when is the end of hostilities? no one knows. there is no end to the hostilities, and if they can prove your part of al-qaeda, great, take them to court, bring them to oh justice. if they can't they detain you indefinitely, and you just have to take the government's word. some people are not happy about this. chris hedges, award winning reporter is one of them, so he sued along with others, and his lawyer is bruce afran. wednesday, they went to court. here's what afran had to say. >> what our case comes down to is are we going to have a simple justice system in the united states or a military justice system. the civil justice system is
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ingrained in the constitution, battling tyranny and creating a democratic society. what they are trying to impose is a system of military justice that allows the military to police the streets of america. cenk: those are strong words but if you're interested in strong words here comes chris hedges the lead plaintiff in the case, senior fellow at the national institute, pulitzer prize winning team at the new york times early in his career and of course, as you can see he joins us how to. chris, the government says come on this ndaa is fought going to apply to you. how do you answer that? >> well that's not actually what they said in the first trial in the southern district court of new york where we won. there were repeated queries by judge catherine forest of the government lawyers whether they could guarantee that i or the
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other plaintiffs would be immune and the government lawyers would not grant those guarantees. now the government in the appellate court in the second circuit which reviewed the decision, because after she handed it down innocent, the obama administration appealed, took a different tack. they said as "independent journalists," we had nothing to fear, but who is it that decides who is independent and who is not? i have covered the middle east for the new york times. during the course of these years, i was with 17 individuals or groups that are on the state department terrorism list, including al-qaeda. i often conveyed their viewpoints. i have covered central america during the reagan administration during the wars in el salvador and nicaragua and lambasted by reagan officials for traveling
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with the rebels in el salvador and army in nicaragua. what this does is turn a linguistic conversation into a legal one. we could exert into the bill that u.s. citizens were exempt from this kind of treatment and we'd pack up and go home. they won't do that. it's telling that when the judge issued her ruling innocent declaring the law unconstitutional the obama administration didn't just appeal. they went on the day of the ruling to judge forest and asked for a temporary stay, meaning put the law back into effect until the appellate court hears the case. she refused. this was late on a friday afternoon. they then demanded and got an emergency hearing, nine ok the next monday at the appellate court and asked the law to be
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put back into effect, wimp the appellate court unfortunately did. i think this was a message to the lawyers and to myself that the reason they acted this aggressively is because they are already probably using it, i suspect against u.s., pakistan yea dual nationals. cenk: you believe the u.s. government right now is indefinitely detaining without a trial some u.s. citizens. >> well, otherwise -- yes because, i mean i have no proof of that, this is a supposition but if they allowed the injunction to stand meaning the law was not valid and they were holding u.s. citizens in military facilities, they would be in contempt of court. i think the fact that they reacted as urgently as they did to put the law back in place shows that there is some
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credible reason to suspect that they may in fact already be using it. cenk: that's fascinating, and it's a tougher argument to counter, as you make that point about the panic with which they insisted that they be allowed to continue to do it. so now the other thing i wanted to go back to in your original explanation is the words independent journalist. you point out between the two different trials, they switched tactics and said don't worry it doesn't apply to independent journalists. >> right. >> to my knowledge they never defined that. is it possible some would not be considered individual journalists. >> they brought up sami al hodge was held for seven years in
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guantanamo, never convicted of anything. that was a very chilling moment in the trial. the lead attorney also told the three judges that i as a plaintiff as the lead plaintiff had nothing to worry about as long as i didn't start driving black vans for people we don't like. for me, this was again a kind of window into how that term is interpreted many different ways, and what i consider as a former foreign correspondent for the new york times to be independent journalism may not be what the government considers independent journalism especially as i did when i was in the middle east and spent time with members of groups like hamas or al-qaeda. there are a series of terms, you know, those that can be picked up covered persons are those who substantially support. that's not a legal term, not
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material support. al-qaeda, the taliban or again an undefined term, associated forces. so there are many disturbing characteristics of section 1021 of the nbaa, which is why judge catherine forest declared it unconstitutional. >> chris stay with us, i want to ask you what you've written about when we return. the president will deliver the annual state of the union address. he'll address gun control, immigration reform, and the economy. we however, promise to bring you a current perspective. only on current tv.
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cenk: we're talking to chris hedges, were you ever his latest books, he's the lead plaintiff in what's being called the magnificent seven suing president obama. chris, i wanted to ask you about your claim that the national defense authorization action and what's in it could lead to totalitarianism. isn't that taking it too far? >> this, it overturns 200 years of domestic law prohibiting the military from carrying out policing duties. it allows the military to carry out extraordinary rendition of u.s. citizens and hold them indefinitely without any kind of legal recourse. this is really a giant step towards the destruction of what's left of our sort of anemic democracy. it is a major major assault on, i think our most cherished constitutional right the right
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to due process the right to a trial. cenk: chris you covered a lot of dictatorships in your time as a foreign correspondent. you say some of this reminds you of it. obviously, those situations were much worse than what we have today here in the sufficient, but what reminds you of those dictatorships? >> empowering the military to become your policing agent allowing the military to operate in secret, to seize citizens and hold them in military detention centers where they have no legal recourse. this was, you know, one of the fundamental pillars of chile argentina during the dirty war syria, you just don't want to hand the state and military that kind of power, because eventually, they'll use it, and it is very, very hard to remain an open society once the military has that kind of reach. cenk: chris are you talking
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about a corporate coup d 'etat. >> we spent days talk about how the impediments to corporate capitalism have been removed figuring america and the global economy, there are no impediments left against corporate power. they right our legislation determine our relationship to the eco system, and is probably a longer topic than we ever time for. we've undergone a corporate coupe d 'etat in slow motion. cenk: a very important case in the history of the united states. chris, thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you. cenk: when we come back, we do have one more update on christopher donorrer for you. the police have a warning for
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